Then when the session it’s over it's recorded in 8 cds that are placed inside an hermetic plastic recipient (tupperware). Afterwards, the tupperwares are hide in the same place where the session was performed and the coordinates of the place are kept with the help of a GPS device.
People interested on listening Talaies Sonores sessions must check the co-ordinates and get to the exact place. Otherwise you won't be able to listen the full sessions. In this webpage we just contain a 6 minutes excerpt of each Talaia session. That's the nature fo the project. Listen the music where it has been produced.
This project it's an ongoing project. Until the date ther have been made four Talaies Sonores Sessions but we hope they will be more. Everybody interested in the project can contact Audiotalaia staff sending an email to audiotalaia[at]
para lá do projecto Talaies Sonores, a netlabel disponibiliza gratuitamente uma série de experiências sonoras internacionais... para ouvir e imaginar outras paisagens, histórias, imagens e movimentos... para começar aconselha-se a obra de SVEN SWIFT - Underwater Is A Place To Be Alone (Mixtape)...
tudo para ouvirimaginar AQUI
Fantástico...o projecto e o geocaching...desconhecia completamente...fiquei com uma vontade enorme de me principiar nesse trilho até ao spot..seria muito giro...Gracias
estou com uma vontade enorme de passar por lá e ouvir a coisa... e de avançar com qq coisa parecida por aqui (aljezur, por exemplo...)
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